Friday, March 8, 2013

A & L's first haircut

Yesterday, Ryan and I took Anberlin and Liam to get their first haircuts. I was kinda dreading this event. I was sure one or both would end up in tears. Anberlin really doesn't like me touching her hair, so I was very unsure if she would let a stranger touch her head at all. Surprisingly, she did great! Liam on the other hand was uneasy, but we made it through without any tears from the kids. In my case, I had to hold back a few tears because I am realizing how fast my children are growing and remember that not long ago they were both so tiny.

 After we were finished chopping off hair, we went to the park and had some fun. Even at the park there were times, when I couldn't believe my children are as old as they are now. I love my little family so much! I know this post doesn't have a lot to it. But, some of you will understand how I am feeling right now and I hope you enjoyed this special moment in our lives. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

God bless,


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Judah Nathan

Warning to those with sensitive hearts...

Recently, my best friend is going through a loss she thought she would never have to experience. She lost her son almost 3 months ago. I would like to express my gratefulness for this child and tell others how his life has impacted mine.

I will love Judah Nathan for many things. I probably won't/ can't list them all, but here are a few. I love him for the bond and relationship that he created for me and his mother. I will be forever be grateful for that and for the relationship his mother and I have now. I love him for the sweet little boy that he is because of the love I have for his parents and who they are. I love him for helping love my children better and for learning that each moment is precious. I will also love him for helping me come closer to God. This may not be a lot to some, but my heart is forever changed. I thank God for the blessing Judah Nathan is to me and others.

I will forever cherish the picture his mother sent to me on his birthday. I can't believe how much I loved this little boy without ever meeting him. I struggle sometimes with questions that can't be answer until I go to heaven as well, but I have hope that I will see this little boy when I am finally there. I pray for his mother and father because I know they long even more to hold him more than I do. I pray that God will give them peace, comfort, and hope.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

School is in..

These past few weeks have been crazy, actually the past few months and it is only the beginning.  I started graduate school on August 30th and I was surprised how much I still like school. I have always liked school. I don't always like homework, but I like going to school. Hopefully, I will have keep this positive attitude through out school. My projected graduation date is May 2014.

Our family is definitely going through many areas of stress, but stress creates growth. Ryan is training for his new job as a bus driver and will be driving starting in October. There are also new groups that I belong to now to meet new people and grow spiritually, socially, and emotionally. But with that creates anxiety for me, especially with my schedule and the kids schedule.

So please pray for peace, comfort, and health for our family this month. Pray that God would give us wisdom and peace. Pray that we will adjust to our new schedules well and that we figure out how to maximize our family time together. Also, pray for our church and the up coming fall season and that we see people come to Christ, who provides the ultimate peace and love. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

I'm sure I am leaving out a lot. Hopefully, I will have another post soon (like next week).

 Also, Happy Birthday to my mom, today!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Remember the Time

Well, It has been two years since I have added a new post. My last tweet was "Anberlin gets to come home tomorrow". Wow! How life gets busy with kids. I can't believe my tiny Anberlin is two years old. I decided to start blogging again to help me remember my kids being small and the fun times we have. I already have a bad memory, so I am hoping this helps.

So with that said, I will also keep using this blog for ways others can pray for me and my family. Also, for some other things as well. I am not sure I can fit a review of the last two years on one post. Hopefully, that means many posts this month, but with life the way it is you never know.

But the most important things that happen in the last two years were that Anberlin was born four pounds, nine ounces on July 27, 2010.

And, Liam was born six pounds, four ounces on December 27, 2011.

Oh, how I love being a mom! God has really blessed me with two great children!

Ways you can pray for our family are pray for wisdom, strength, faith, and health in the coming weeks. Many things are changing and it will be interesting to see how God has these things turn out. Thank you for taking time to read this. God bless!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

July Baby

Apparently, Anberlin is going to be a July baby. After the doctor's appointments this week, Anberlin is now weighing 3lbs and the doctors believe that because of her size that she should be delivered early at 37 weeks. So the plan is right now is to have a procedure done called an amniocentesis on July 15th to test if her lungs are mature and if they are, I will be induced, but if she is in stress while I'm in labor they would then do a Cesarean.  So it looks like she will be born on either July 15th or July 16th. Please pray for me and Anberlin during these last few weeks and that everything will go well on the 15th. Thank you so much and I love you all!

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14th

Ryan and I went to the doctor today for an ultrasound to check Anberlin's growth and she is still measuring small, about 2 weeks. My placenta is doing an ok job for now, but they are still going to see me twice a week to following the blood flow and growth closely and if the environment for Anberlin gets worse then she will have to come out early and this is why I am being closely monitored. They are wanting to find markers that tell them to deliver her early and markers that it is ok to keep her in. Also, being on bed rest is no fun and I have other stress going on at the same time. Not being able to go to things that I really never wanted to miss, really stinks. Anyways, I would appreciate any prayer for Anberlin and I.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update : Just a scare

So yesterday I went in for routine testing that I will have every Tuesday and Friday for Anberlin. I had a ultrasound just for blood flow and fluid check. Everything looked good there and the doctor sent me to the second part of the appointment, which is the non stress test and check my heartbeat, the baby's heartbeat, and stress on my uterus.  Well, during this second appointment the nurse was explaining why the test was being done and what it was checking,  during this time I was laying on my back too long. This caused me to block blood flow to me and the baby, which then made the baby's heartbeat dangerously low for about 7 minutes and they whisked me to the OR just in case they need to take Anberlin out and revive her. Very scary I have to say, but we made it there quick and I knew Anberlin was God's hands, so I wasn't too freaked out, I actually felt taken care of at that time, which was probably good for Anberlin's condition at the time. I was kept overnight at the hospital to make sure that laying on my back or Anberlin rolling on to the cord was the problem and not something more serious, we were able to go home at 4:00 the next day. Anyways, keep Anberlin and I in your prayers and pray that she stays in for at least 10 more weeks!