Thursday, February 18, 2010


The last two months have been a little challenging around our house, but not too bad. I had to get used to my routine of school, now I only have ten weeks left! Also, this month someone stole my wallet which was no fun, just a inconvenience.  First, I am excited that my cousin Amanda had her baby boy Caleb! My birthday was pretty good thanks to all my friends and family, until I got an allergic reaction on Ryan's birthday. That was no fun at all.Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
     Ryan and I heard the baby's heart beat at our last visit and I am starting to feel the baby move, which is weird and exciting at the same time. Our next appointment will be March 9th and we will be able to find out with we are having a boy or a girl if the baby corporates.  Now Ryan and I are discussing names, but it will be much easier once I know to focus my attention on either boy names or girl names.
   Church has been going... I can't wait for it to be spring, I feel like there will much more going on and more opportunities.  I know I definitely need prayers in this area, especially since most of my teachers will be having babies this summer or moving. Thank you for praying for me and thinking of me. Keep praying school will go well these last 10 weeks. Also, pray for Ryan's and my health, it seems one of us is sick every other week.
I will update this probably on March 9th after the appointment.

God bless.