I finally found some time to update my blog. I hope everyone hasn't given up on me. School has been very very harsh and I pretty much have no life, but writing papers. I believe it will get better though, I think September is going to be my busiest month. I love that the weather, it is getting cooler, Fall is my favorite season. I am trying to make sure I enjoy it more this year. Lately, I have been missing things about Arkansas, not the humidity of course, but camping trips with my family, fish frys, my cousins(all of them, not just Arkansasans) and just familiar faces and places. This is probably one of the hardest months I will go through, please pray for me as I go through this season of my life. Ryan also needs prayer, because he is just as busy as I am, he works 60 to 80 hours a week. Life is pretty crazy around our house. I tried to find a picture that I could put on here, but we haven't really taken any lately, so I will leave you with a picture of a little girl that has captured our hearts. I will tell everyone more about what she is all about in another post and why Ryan and I will be going to Nashville,TN in November. Please leave a comment or email me!

im looking forward to your next post!!! lol so i forgot...am i doing this right? about following you or whatever....Kayla S.