Thanks for reading my blog and getting an update on the baby. Ryan and I went to a specialist on Thursday, April 22nd and after meeting with a specialist I was put on bed rest. I was put on bed rest because from what we got on Thursday is that my placenta is not allowing enough nutrients, blood, oxygen to the baby and it has affected her growth, making her measure about 3 weeks smaller than she should be. We are going to see a specialist every week and have an ultrasound every week also to watch her growth, fluids, and blood flow from the placenta to baby. Your prayers for her health and growth is appreciated at this time and that I won't go crazy on bed rest. There will probably be weekly updates on the baby and myself, since I am out of school and on bed rest. In addition, I believe Ryan and I have decided to name our baby girl Anberlin, but it could change when I meet her, but more than likely she will be Anberlin. God bless.