Saturday, June 26, 2010
July Baby
Apparently, Anberlin is going to be a July baby. After the doctor's appointments this week, Anberlin is now weighing 3lbs and the doctors believe that because of her size that she should be delivered early at 37 weeks. So the plan is right now is to have a procedure done called an amniocentesis on July 15th to test if her lungs are mature and if they are, I will be induced, but if she is in stress while I'm in labor they would then do a Cesarean. So it looks like she will be born on either July 15th or July 16th. Please pray for me and Anberlin during these last few weeks and that everything will go well on the 15th. Thank you so much and I love you all!
Friday, May 14, 2010
May 14th
Ryan and I went to the doctor today for an ultrasound to check Anberlin's growth and she is still measuring small, about 2 weeks. My placenta is doing an ok job for now, but they are still going to see me twice a week to following the blood flow and growth closely and if the environment for Anberlin gets worse then she will have to come out early and this is why I am being closely monitored. They are wanting to find markers that tell them to deliver her early and markers that it is ok to keep her in. Also, being on bed rest is no fun and I have other stress going on at the same time. Not being able to go to things that I really never wanted to miss, really stinks. Anyways, I would appreciate any prayer for Anberlin and I.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Update : Just a scare
So yesterday I went in for routine testing that I will have every Tuesday and Friday for Anberlin. I had a ultrasound just for blood flow and fluid check. Everything looked good there and the doctor sent me to the second part of the appointment, which is the non stress test and check my heartbeat, the baby's heartbeat, and stress on my uterus. Well, during this second appointment the nurse was explaining why the test was being done and what it was checking, during this time I was laying on my back too long. This caused me to block blood flow to me and the baby, which then made the baby's heartbeat dangerously low for about 7 minutes and they whisked me to the OR just in case they need to take Anberlin out and revive her. Very scary I have to say, but we made it there quick and I knew Anberlin was God's hands, so I wasn't too freaked out, I actually felt taken care of at that time, which was probably good for Anberlin's condition at the time. I was kept overnight at the hospital to make sure that laying on my back or Anberlin rolling on to the cord was the problem and not something more serious, we were able to go home at 4:00 the next day. Anyways, keep Anberlin and I in your prayers and pray that she stays in for at least 10 more weeks!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Baby Girl Fillinger
Hello everyone!
Thanks for reading my blog and getting an update on the baby. Ryan and I went to a specialist on Thursday, April 22nd and after meeting with a specialist I was put on bed rest. I was put on bed rest because from what we got on Thursday is that my placenta is not allowing enough nutrients, blood, oxygen to the baby and it has affected her growth, making her measure about 3 weeks smaller than she should be. We are going to see a specialist every week and have an ultrasound every week also to watch her growth, fluids, and blood flow from the placenta to baby. Your prayers for her health and growth is appreciated at this time and that I won't go crazy on bed rest. There will probably be weekly updates on the baby and myself, since I am out of school and on bed rest. In addition, I believe Ryan and I have decided to name our baby girl Anberlin, but it could change when I meet her, but more than likely she will be Anberlin. God bless.
Thanks for reading my blog and getting an update on the baby. Ryan and I went to a specialist on Thursday, April 22nd and after meeting with a specialist I was put on bed rest. I was put on bed rest because from what we got on Thursday is that my placenta is not allowing enough nutrients, blood, oxygen to the baby and it has affected her growth, making her measure about 3 weeks smaller than she should be. We are going to see a specialist every week and have an ultrasound every week also to watch her growth, fluids, and blood flow from the placenta to baby. Your prayers for her health and growth is appreciated at this time and that I won't go crazy on bed rest. There will probably be weekly updates on the baby and myself, since I am out of school and on bed rest. In addition, I believe Ryan and I have decided to name our baby girl Anberlin, but it could change when I meet her, but more than likely she will be Anberlin. God bless.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
The last two months have been a little challenging around our house, but not too bad. I had to get used to my routine of school, now I only have ten weeks left! Also, this month someone stole my wallet which was no fun, just a inconvenience. First, I am excited that my cousin Amanda had her baby boy Caleb! My birthday was pretty good thanks to all my friends and family, until I got an allergic reaction on Ryan's birthday. That was no fun at all.Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Ryan and I heard the baby's heart beat at our last visit and I am starting to feel the baby move, which is weird and exciting at the same time. Our next appointment will be March 9th and we will be able to find out with we are having a boy or a girl if the baby corporates. Now Ryan and I are discussing names, but it will be much easier once I know to focus my attention on either boy names or girl names.
Church has been going... I can't wait for it to be spring, I feel like there will much more going on and more opportunities. I know I definitely need prayers in this area, especially since most of my teachers will be having babies this summer or moving. Thank you for praying for me and thinking of me. Keep praying school will go well these last 10 weeks. Also, pray for Ryan's and my health, it seems one of us is sick every other week.
I will update this probably on March 9th after the appointment.
God bless.
Ryan and I heard the baby's heart beat at our last visit and I am starting to feel the baby move, which is weird and exciting at the same time. Our next appointment will be March 9th and we will be able to find out with we are having a boy or a girl if the baby corporates. Now Ryan and I are discussing names, but it will be much easier once I know to focus my attention on either boy names or girl names.
Church has been going... I can't wait for it to be spring, I feel like there will much more going on and more opportunities. I know I definitely need prayers in this area, especially since most of my teachers will be having babies this summer or moving. Thank you for praying for me and thinking of me. Keep praying school will go well these last 10 weeks. Also, pray for Ryan's and my health, it seems one of us is sick every other week.
I will update this probably on March 9th after the appointment.
God bless.
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