Thank you to everyone that responded, it definitely was a blessing to hear from you! This last week, I have been getting ready for school to start back, I also start my internship for a company called Fostering Hope. This company supports and educates foster care parents, with the help of churches around Colorado Springs. My schedule is going to be rather crazy. I will go to class on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, and on Tuesday and Thursday and Friday I will have internship. Not only will I have homework, term papers, and projects due, I also have many things to do for the children's ministry at Fusion church called Vertical. So if you could pray that I would not go crazy in the next month or really that I can use my time well, so I am not as stressed that would be great!
At church, we are praying that God would help us reach more people. We have set a goal of 80 to accept the love of Jesus Christ by next year. We want to see God change this community with his love. To meet the people of our community, we have had 5 block parties in many different areas of Fountain Valley. Boy, was it crazy! It was great to meet our neighbors, many of them are wives of deployed soldiers. These women are very brave, I do not know how well I could take Ryan being gone for a year. It is a critical time for our church, please pray that our church will grow and that I will receive new volunteers for Vertical. I really, really need more volunteers.
Also, since I am going to be going to school full time and heading up the children's ministry, Ryan and I with God's help, have decided that it would be best for my sanity and our marriage that I stop working for the university. Please pray that I put all my trust in God and that he will comfort me when things seem like they may fall apart.
This is just some of what I am thinking, dealing, and praying about right now, so more to come in the next week. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Love to you all or y'all. ha ha
God Bless,